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Podcast: Creating A "Joyful" Law Firm

MLG Founder and Partner, Diana Maier

MLG Founder and Partner, Diana Maier

Having an all-women firm? ...It wasn’t totally intentional, but it was about designing a firm that fit with my values. And I think my values as a lawyer, in a lot of ways, do not fit with the very patriarchal current legal system....I don’t [just] mean the people in it, I mean the whole infrastructure is very male-based. There’s not a lot of room for feminine values right now. And that just didn’t appeal to me and that wasn’t the kind of law firm I wanted to have.

And so I naturally attracted women who either had families or just wanted some balance in their lives. Major overgeneralization...but for some reason, women —and certainly part of it is the childbearing thing, but even women that don’t have kids—seem to be more in touch with their need for balance in ways that a lot of times men in the law don’t clue into. [The firm naturally] attracts that kind of person.
— Diana Maier

Maier Law Group Founder and Partner, Diana Maier, was recently a guest on the Wealthy Woman Lawyer Podcast hosted by Davina Frederick. In the podcast, Diana discusses the idea that the workplace can be the means for effective social and personal change, one happy employee at a time, and that this is the philosophy she models in Maier Law Group.

Highlights include:

  • Diana’s journey to becoming an attorney, to starting her own employment and privacy law firm, and her mission of helping employers create great places to work (1:13).

  • Building a law firm and career around your values and passions (6:30).

  • Helping women attorneys create a more satisfying career experience and bringing joy to the workplace (9:26).

  • Her networking group for women attorneys, Joy in the Law (18:00).

  • How the culture she’s created in her own firm positively impacts her clients’ businesses (29:42).

Read the podcast transcript here.

This article has been prepared for general informational purposes only and does not constitute advertising, solicitation, or legal advice. If you have questions about a particular matter, please contact the Maier Law Group directly.