




Friday, September 19, 2025, San Francisco, CA

Details to follow!

Click here for more info and to sign up/get involved



The Art of Bracketing in Mediation

february 29 AND march 5, 2024

Diana and other mediators will present on the art of bracketing at two different webinars. Their presentation will cover the many ways brackets can facilitate resolution during mediation. 

The Mediation Society's The Art of Bracketing webinar is on
Thursday, February 29, 2024 at 12:00p.m.
Registration Link

The Contra Costa Bar Association's The Art of Bracketing webinar is on
Tuesday, March 5, 2024 at 12:00p.m.
Registration Link

HR & Benefits 2024: Embracing Change

march 5, 2024

Join Emily and other panelists at this informative webinar on navigating legal and benefits challenges in human resources management. Topics of discussion include addressing the competitive labor market, pertinent changes to the legal landscape, engaging a transient workforce with effective attraction and retention tools, and relevant trends in human resources management. 

Tuesday, March 5, 2024 at 10:00a.m.
Registration Link

The Art of Bracketing in Mediation

OCT 19, 2023, 12PM - 1PM

At mediation, bracketing is one of the most misunderstood concepts in settlement negotiations. Mention it to any lawyer or mediator and you’ll most likely get a different definition, and a big reaction! Join the conversation as we explain how to use this potentially valuable negotiation tool to get what you want at mediation.

What: “The Art of Bracketing” presentation will cover firm offers vs. different forms of bracketed negotiations, when to use bracketing, the pitfalls of misinterpreted signals, endpoints and inner endpoints, mid-points and conditional offers, keeping track of negotiations and public and private ranges.

When: Thursday, October 19, 2023, 12:00 p.m. to 1:00 p.m.

Where: Marin County Sheriff’s Office Assembly Room, 1600 Los Gamos Dr., Suite 200 (Lobby A), San Rafael, CA 94903

Joining virtually: Register here to receive the Zoom link and handouts.

Who: Co-Chair of the Marin County Bar Association (MCBA) ADR Section Diana Maier has invited speakers Tia Welch Maerz of Essential Law Group, Kari Erickson Levine of Erickson Levine Law, and Patricia Prince of Prince Law and Mediation to discuss how they use brackets in their mediation practices. Ms. Maier will serve as moderator as the speakers discuss the topic and perform a role play,

Cost: General Registration: $50.00. MCBA members, and other ADR group members: $30.00 (choose the discount option on the registration link.) One (1) unit of general MCLE credit will be offered.

Note: The MCBA has graciously agreed to provide a link to mediators who want to attend the webinar for free and do not need MCLE credit for the event. The MCBA administrator will provide a Zoom link for those people closer to the event, and you will then email the MCBA to let them know you are attending and to provide an email to receive the handouts. Also, to be safe, if you plan to attend gratis and don’t need bar credit, please contact and she can be sure you get the link if you somehow miss MCBA’s email.

Immediately after the event, we invite anyone who shows in-person to join us for a coffee or lunch afterwards so we can keep the conversation going and do a bit of networking. Hope to see you soon!

How Personal Wellness and Resilience Affect Compliance for Competency

FEB 2021

In this talk hosted by the San Diego County Bar Association on February 11, 2021, Diana Maier shared her ideas behind the Joy in the Law® movement -- as well as her experience coaching attorneys to cultivate more fulfillment in their law practice and lives -- to explain how to cultivate resilience and professional satisfaction. 


Podcast: Creating A "Joyful" Law Firm


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Maier Law Group Founder and Partner, Diana Maier, was a guest on the Wealthy Woman Lawyer Podcast hosted by Davina Frederick. In the podcast, Diana discusses the idea that the workplace can be the means for effective social and personal change, one happy employee at a time, and that this is the philosophy she models in Maier Law Group.

Listen to the podcast here:


Employee Mobility Restrictions


On October 13, 2020, Diana Maier, Founder and Partner at Maier Law Group, and Jennifer Oliver, Partner at MoginRubin LLP discussed the state of employee mobility restrictions in California at a presentation organized by the Bar Association of San Francisco. They discussed amongst other things, real life stories of what they are seeing day-to-day on this topic, and provided practical advice regarding use of non-compete, nonsolicitation, and no-poaching agreements with employees and competitors.


How Will You Navigate The Pandemic Workplace?

MAY 2020

MLG presents two webinars: one for business advisors and one for employers, on the future of employment and data privacy law in the pandemic workplace. These webinars were based on Diana Maier’s opinion piece on The Pandemic Workplace.


How to Advise Companies Navigating A Forever-Changed Workplace

May 19, 2020 at 11:00am PT (CLOSED)
Zoom Webinar for Business Advisors

This webinar is designed specifically for those who advise businesses such as attorneys, HR professionals, CPAs, business consultants, etc., and covers  how the pandemic workplace of today is radically changing the top issues for employers. We'll provide suggestions for how business advisors should counsel clients.

Privacy and Employment Law Forecast: What to Expect in the Pandemic Workplace

May 20, 2020 at 11:00am PT (CLOSED)
Zoom Webinar for Business Owners and Employers

This talk is designed specifically for employers and business owners who would like to know the top issues that will arise as employees return to a radically different pandemic workplace.  It will offer suggestions on how to best prepare for the changes that are occurring in the workforce.     

Watch webinar recordings here:

Employees, Legal Compliance, and the Covid-19 Pandemic:
A Free Q&A with MLG



Employers are suddenly dealing with a new workplace reality due to COVID-19.  They want to understand their legal obligations and keep both their employees and businesses healthy, but don't want to spend badly needed funds on legal advice.  We have a solution for you! MLG is hosting complimentary legal Q&A sessions via Zoom. We're hoping these conversations will help any employer who needs general guidance regarding COVID-19, but is unable to afford it due to the burdens the pandemic is creating.


Session times are:

  • Monday, March 30, 11 am - 12 pm (CLOSED)

  • Thursday, April 2, 11 am - 12 pm (CLOSED)

  • Tuesday, April 7, 11 am - 12 pm (CLOSED)

Watch recordings:


To learn more about the new emergency paid leave law see our Family First Coronavirus Response Act blog post.

Margarita’s Payfactors Podcast: What to Know About AB5

MARCH 2020


Maier Law Group Senior Counsel Margarita Wear was recently a guest on the Payfactors Comp and Coffee podcast channel hosted by Bill Coleman and Shawn Lavana.

In the podcast, Margarita weighs in on Assembly Bill 5’s contractor vs employee classification laws that took effect in California on January 1, 2020.

For podcast highlights, see this blog post.


Diana’s NBC Bay Area Interview: California’s AB 5 Curtails Use of Independent Contractors



On Tuesday, September 10, 2019, California lawmakers passed AB 5, which codifies Dynamex v. Superior Court (“Dynamex”) the California Supreme Court decision that established new legal standards in determining whether a worker is an employee or an independent contractor. Under Dynamex’s ABC test, a person is presumed an employee rather than an independent contractor unless the hiring entity demonstrates that (a) the person is free from the control and direction of the hiring entity in connection with the performance of the work, (b) the person performs work that is outside the usual course of the hiring entity’s business, and (c) the person is customarily engaged in an independently established trade, occupation, or business.  Governor Newsom signed the bill to law on September 18, 2019.

For details, read our blog post.

Diana Speaks On The Happy Lawyer Project Podcast!



How do you run a values-focused law firm while juggling work-life balance and finding joy in your practice? Maier Law Group's founding partner, Diana Maier, speaks to attorney and founder of The Happy Lawyer Project, Okeoma Moronu Schreiner, about running a virtual, boutique law firm and building Joy in the Law®, a community that helps lawyers be their happiest selves.



Joy in the Law® Conference 2018

Thank you for joining us!
The Joy in the Law® Conference 2018 saw an amazing turn out of over 100 joy-seeking attorneys across the San Francisco Bay Area and beyond! For photos, and for updates on future events, please visit!


September 28, 2018

Event Program:

8:30 - 9:00

9:00 - 9:30
Welcome and Brief Meditation

9:30 - 10:30
Transforming Overwhelm & Reactivity into Joyful, Competent Law Practice (James Baraz, Judi Cohen, and Diana Maier)

10:30 - 10:45

10:45 - 11:45
Shifting from Perfectionism to Excellence & Equanimity in the Ethical Practice of Law
(James Baraz, Judi Cohen, and Diana Maier)

11:45 - 1:00
Lunch and Networking

1:00 - 1:15

1:15 - 2:25
Constructive Tools for Managing Conflict
(Steve Rosenberg)

2:25 - 2:35

2:35 - 3:35
Panel Discussion on Transforming
Suffering into Joy

3:35 - 4:00
Closing: Reflections and
Where Do We Go from Here?



Join us for a day of dedicated programming on how lawyers can find happiness in the law. Thanks to our generous sponsors, you can take advantage of discounted registration for only $79.00 until August 20, 2018 (unless the conference fills sooner). This early bird fee (regular fee: $95.00) includes a full day of conference, 3 specialty CLE credits (2 in competence and 1 in ethics),  lunch, snacks, coffee, and refreshments. Enjoy joyful camaraderie with like-minded people. Learn, share, re-charge with speakers like:

James Baraz is an author, meditation teacher, and leader of the globally-recognized course Awakening Joy, the inspiration behind the Joy in the Law® conference.

Judi Cohen is a lecturer at Berkeley Law and leads Warrior One. She teaches mindfulness, effectiveness, wellbeing, and leadership skills to lawyers. mindfulness, effectiveness, wellbeing, and leadership skills to lawyers.

Steve Rosenberg is a state of California and nationwide leader in mediation and conflict resolution.

Panel Discussion on Transforming Suffering into Joy. The panelists are Neha Sampat, Paul Burglin, Juliet Barraza, and Karrie Myers.


Here's what others have said about our 2016 conference:

"Wonderful concept with amazing panelists."

"One of the best professional conferences I have ever attended."

"Thank you for an amazing conference. I can’t tell you how great the day was."

"A fantastic day. I laughed and cried."

"Life changing!"


Brought to you by:

Platinum Sponsor Maier Law Group and the Joy in the Law® Planning Committee.

Heartfelt thanks to our Sponsors:

Gold Sponsors:

O'Grady Law Group
SF-Marin Lawyer Referral and Information Service
Marin County Bar Association
First Republic Bank
DLC Consulting Services, LLC
Marin Pro Bono Network
Cooley LLP
Lawyer Business Advantage

Silver Sponsors:

Cal-Pacific Reporting, Inc
Warrior One
BlackStone Discovery


Believe that you can be happy!

Some lawyers, although admittedly too few,  lead a joyful professional life and find meaning in how they earn an income. Generally, these lawyers take common actions, such as: integrating principles of mindfulness into their legal work (whether they realize it or not); exercising flexibility about whether they practice traditional law or use a law degree only tangentially; and staying conscious of their financial goals v. their desire for other kinds of rewards that might matter more to them. This conference will host panels exploring these and other aspects of happy lawyering.  Its goal is to increase the joy of lawyers who are already happy, and to begin the journey towards career happiness of lawyers that are not.  Diana Maier, owner of Maier Law Group, started this conference in 2016 because she believed that all lawyers can find work that makes them happy most of the time, if not every minute, and a professional life that squares with their values and priorities, whether that’s making millions or having a modest salary but lots more time with their families and friends.

The day will include lectures, panels, break-out groups, lunch, snacks, and tons of practical advice. There will be short periods of guided meditation woven throughout the conference.

To read more about the inspiration and aspirations of this conference, go to:


Planning Commitee:
Amir V. Adibi, Seda Akay-Onur, Katherine Alphonso, Beth Arnese, Marie Barnes, Brittny Bottorff, Quynh Chen, Audrey Courson, Caitie Emmett, Benjamin Holl, Valerie Kushel, Kymberly LeGolvan, Diana Maier, Lauren Monson, Suji Rajagopal, Lisette Sell, Romy Taubman, Carina Uraiqat, and Jenny Wiegley.
Sponsor inquiries:


Diana Speaks On The Hustle & Flow Podcast!

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In this insightful Hustle & Flow podcast episode, Diana shares what joy in the legal profession means to her. She also discusses changing career paths (more than once), her own path to finding joy, building an innovative law firm with intention, and jumping in head first to fill a void in her legal community.


What Every Employment Attorney Should Know About Workplace Investigations



This presentation will explore the issues of scope, ethics, attorney-client privilege and the distinct roles played by investigators, in-house attorneys, outside counsel and plaintiffs' attorneys when conducting, directing, advising and/or representing parties in workplace investigations. 

Presented by Brittny Bottorff.

The Palo Alto Area Bar Association
Wilson Sonsini Goodrich & Rosati
601 Page Mill Road, Ellipse 1B
Palo Alto, CA 94306

Registration is now closed.

Protecting Your Life Sciences Company From the Top 5 Data Privacy and Security Threats


In this free workshop you will:

  • Assess and remedy your organization's data privacy vulnerabilities.

  • Learn how to solve the unique privacy risks faced by life science companies.

  • Craft an effective solution for mitigating data breaches and enforcement actions.

  • Increase your expertise on key areas of data security and privacy.

  • Discover new legal developments and how enforcement could impact your organization.

Presented by Diana Maier, Data Privacy and Cyber Security Expert.


“Diana is really an expert on this topic. Not only did I learn a lot, the assessment helped me spot a huge hole in our data privacy scheme.”
- General Counsel, Biotech Company


Ideal Audience: In-house counsel or outside attorneys advising life sciences companies, life sciences executives and management, and those wanting a primer on today’s top issues in data privacy and cyber security. 

Earn One California CLE Credit!   

Here is some of what you will learn during this online workshop:

  • How to assess your organization’s data privacy vulnerabilities and how to remedy those exposures

  • How to safely and legally conduct data transfers from the EU to the U.S.

  • How to implement the privacy best practices that avoid HIPAA enforcement actions

  • The top 5 data security areas that cause problems for life sciences companies

  • The new EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and its impact on life sciences companies

  • What you need to know about how the FTC, OCR, and Attorneys General are enforcing laws around health data

This webinar provides an excellent primer on the basics of data privacy and security law and practices and how their enforcement is negatively affecting life sciences companies.

Join us and learn the best practices of data privacy and security and how to protect your company from data breeches and enforcement actions.    


During the workshop, you will complete an assessment of your company's risks and vulnerabilities and leave with a "Risk Scorecard".